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Tangling with Talmud: Sukkot Edition
Wednesday, October 12 at 10:30am (online)
Rabbi Cantor will be Zooming from her sukkah to your home, as we explore some rabbinic texts and tales about what constitutes joy. No experience needed; all are welcome. Tangling with Talmud’s regular weekly meetings will return on Wednesday, November 16.
Hol HaMoed Sukkot
Wednesday, October 12 at 7pm
Via Zoom. Please note that this service will be the same length as our usual weekday minyan.
SukkahFest at BTS
Sunday, October 16 at 1pm
Visit B’nai Tikvoh-Sholom at your convenience for some outdoor fun! Come visit the sukkah, shake the lulav and etrog, say some blessings, and enjoy some sweet treats. No registration is required. In case of inclement weather, this event will be canceled. Watch your email for updates if you have any questions.
Services for Shemini Atzeret, Including Yizkor
Monday, October 17 at 10am (online only)
Services for Simchat Torah
Monday, October 17 at 7pm (in-person only)
Join us in person at BTS for dancing, singing, stickers, and treats!
Services for Simchat Torah
Tuesday, October 18 at 10am (hybrid)
including ending and beginning the Torah, plus more dancing, singing and treats!
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