What will your gift support?
B'nai Tikvoh-Sholom is grateful for your unrestricted gift, which allows us to allocate your donation toward
the area of greatest need.
Should you prefer to allocate your contribution yourself, here are some options for your consideration:
Building Fund:
Allows us to operate our synagogue facility.
Neshama Fund:
Supports lifelong learning.
Torah Fund:
Maintains the condition and integrity of our Torah scrolls.
Katten Fund:
Makes Lunch and Learn events possible.
Beautification Fund:
Enhances the beauty of our synagogue environment.
Kiddush Fund:
Provides food and drink during Shabbat and holiday celebrations.
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund:
Used solely at the discretion of the rabbi for charitable or educational purposes or to benefit the congregation.
Thank you for supporting BTS!
Making a donation to the synagogue online is easy and secure.
Use the form below to make a recurring or one-time donation with your credit card.
Are you interested in making a donation of stock or remembering BTS in your will? Please email our treasurer to learn more.