Worship with Us

At BTS, we love...
singing together enthusiastically (clapping and even sometimes dancing) on Friday nights, listening to Rabbi Cantor’s D’var Torah, a word of teaching relating to the past week.
kibbitzing and delighting in each other’s company afterwards over goodies at our sit-down Oneg Shabbat.
alternating communal singing and meditative personal prayer at our Saturday morning services.
enjoying the lay-led Torah reading, and participating in the lively Torah study session (fueled by chocolate!)
listening to as many voices as possible leading the congregation, and spending time together after services at our weekly Kiddush lunch.
celebrating holidays at the synagogue, from wild megillah readings and sukkah happenings to latke dinners and Passover workshops.
welcoming the new year in our beautiful sanctuary, beginning on the eve of Rosh Hashanah with our annual Sweet Honey Oneg, and ending with scores of shofar blowers up on the bimah blasting out a great tekiah gedolah at the close of Yom Kippur.

Our Services are now both in-person and online! We have options that fit all your worship needs.
We meet every Shabbat, on Friday night and Shabbat morning (Click for details.) We do lots of singing and learning Torah together. We still make kiddush (though it’s “bring your own bottle”) afterwards. We still enjoy seeing one another (albeit in Zoom squares) and welcoming new faces and voices. In these uncertain and unprecedented times, we have discovered that our worship community remains vibrant, even without our building.
For example, for the High Holidays, we made sure every member and guest had their own actual mahzor/prayer book to follow the service at home, but we also projected every page of text onscreen. We re-imagined our services, blending traditional and creative elements, and worked hard to make the experience meaningful and uplifting. Nearly 80 people led prayers and readings.
Please remember to check our online calendar for an up-to-date schedule of services and programming. We hope you can join us!
Services at BTS are open and accessible.
We are dedicated to the value of inclusion. We welcome all – Jewish or not, LGBTQ, straight, Jews-by-choice, interfaith families, multiracial, multicultural, married, single, families and individuals, old, and young alike – to join us for services at BTS at any time. BTS is an egalitarian congregation, inviting people of all genders to participate and lead us. Come as you are! Join in our inspired and inspiring davening (praying), which always features singing and lively participation.
You are always, always welcome.

Please note that, in order to preserve the sanctity and security of our worship and study, advance registration is required for all online BTS/Neshama events. Registration is required only once for any recurring event. you will receive confirmation by email and a reminder email with an event link 15 minutes prior to your meeting.
Thank you for your interest and participation. We look forward to gathering with you.
BTS/Neshama events are open to all and are offered free of charge unless otherwise noted.